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Dialog Lucu Ice Age 3 (Movie Quote)

Sid: I know what it's like to feel abandoned.

Ellie: This is the world our baby's gonna grow up in, you can't change that.

Manny: Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. They just... punch each other on the shoulder.

Diego: Look, who are we kidding, Manny, I'm-I'm-I'm not a kitty-cat, I'm a sabre. I'm not really built for chaperoning play-dates.

Ellie: Welcome to the Ice Age!

Crash: Dude, You're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!

Ellie: We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it!

Manny: After we rescue Sid, I'm going to kill him.
Sid: I'm too young to be eaten!

Manny: I feel so... puny.

Ellie: Talk to the trunk.

Sid: [running from a musk ox he tried to milk] I thought you were a female!

Buck: [from trailer] Are you ready for adventure?

Crash, Eddie: Yes, sir!
Buck: For danger?
Crash, Eddie: Yes, sir!
Buck: For death?
Eddie: Uhh, can you repeat the question?

Ellie: [a Tyrannosaurus has come forward] I thought those guys were extinct.
Manny: Well then, that is one *angry* fossil.

Manny: [Sid guards the three baby Tyrannosaurs from an adult] Sid! Give them to her! She's their mother!
Sid: How do I know she's their mother?
Manny: What do you want, a birth certificate? She's a *dinosaur*!

Sid: [confronting a Tyrannosaurus who has come looking for her babies] Look, these are my kids! And you're gonna have to go through *me* to get them!

Sid: [about the baby mammoth] It's a boy!
Diego: That's a tail
Sid: It's a girl!

Buck: [stopping Manny and the herd from moving on] Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa! What, you-you think this is some sort of tropical getaway? You can't protect your mate, mate. What are you gonna do with those-those flimsy tusks when you run into the Beast?

Crash: Wait. You mean there's something *bigger* than Mommy Dinosaur?
Buck: Aye.
Eddie: "Eye"?
Buck: Aye aye. He's the one that gave me *this*
[pointing to his missing eye, which is covered in a patch]
Eddie: Whoa. He gave you that patch?
Crash: For free? That's so cool.
Eddie: Yeah, maybe he'll give *us* one, too!

Buck: Let me tell you about the time I turned a Tyrannosaurus Rex into Tyrannosaurus Rachel.

Manny: Why is it called the "Gorge of Death"?
Buck: We tried calling it "The Big Smelly Crack" but people kept giggling.

Buck: Hello Rudy!
Buck: His name is Rudy and he gave me this!
[pointing to his bad eye covered with a patch]
Crash: He gave a patch?
Eddie: For free?
Crash, Eddie: That's so cool!

Sid: I am a single mother with 3 kids.

Sid: Look, somebody else is gonna have a baby! You must be proud!
Pudgy Beaver Mom: I'm not pregnant!

Gazelle: Try to catch me!

Eddie, Crash: [after inhaling the poison gas] Let's do it!
Eddie, Crash: Christmas, Christmas, time is here!

Sid: [to the baby dinosaur] Spit out little Johnny or we're leaving the playground right now!
[the baby dinosaur spits up a bird]
Sid: There you go. The picture of health.
Aardvark Mom: That's not little Johnny!
Sid: Hey, it's better than nothing.

Buck: [Buck sees a large butterfly as it takes off] I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar, you know, before he came out.

Buck: The Buck stops here!

Diego: [to Manny, about possibly staying] This is my kind of place.

Buck: [Pick up a rock like it's a cellphone] Hello? No... No I can't really talk right now... Going to retrive a dead sloth. No, I know. They're following ME! Yeah, and they think I'M crazy! O-Okay... We're going into the Chasm of Death, I'm going to loose you. Yeah. O-Okay.
Buck: I... I love you too. Goodbye... Goodbye!
[throws the rock aside]
Buck: Let's get a move on, shall we?
Manny: [to Diego] That'll be YOU in three weeks.
Manny: Just WHEN exactly did you loose your mind?
Buck: About three months ago. I woke up married to a pineapple... An *UGLY* pineapple.
[sighs lovingly]
Buck: But I loved her so...

Buck: What are you guys doing here?
Ellie: Our friend was taken by a dinosaur.
Buck: Well, he's dead. Welcome to my world. Now, go home. Off you pop!

Crash: What's that noise?
Buck: It's the wind. It's speaking to us.
Eddie: What's it saying?
Buck: I don't know. I don't speak wind.

Buck: The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster. Long for Buh.

Manny: Oh, we need a code word. Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."
Ellie: Hmm. How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?
Manny: Nah, it's too long. We need something short and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!
Ellie: Peaches?
Manny: I love peaches. They're sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.
Ellie: You think I'm round?
Manny: Uh... Round is good. Round is foxy!

Crash: Dude, you're awesome! You're like the brother I never had!
Eddie: Me too!

Manny: Sid, you're gonna have a family too someday. You're gonna meet a nice girl, with... with low standards, no real options, or sense of smell...<<<

Buck: [Manny and Diego are trapped by a meat-eating plant] They're going to be digested.
Manny: Digested?
Buck: They'll be nothing but bones in about three minutes. Well, maybe five for the fat one.
Manny: I'm not fat!

Manny: Sid, whatever you're doing, it's a bad idea.
Sid: Shh! My kids will hear you.
Manny: They're not your kids, Sid. Take them back. You're not meant to be a parent.
Sid: Why not?
Manny: First sign: stealing someone else's eggs. Second sign: one of them almost became an omelet.

Crash: Have you ever flown one of these before?
Buck: No. First time, actually.

Buck: It smells like a buzzard's butt fell off and was sprayed on by skunks.
Diego: That's Sid.

Diego: [to Manny] For the record, I blame you for this!

Manny: Don't move a muscle.
Molehog: [running] AAAAAAAH!

Diego: [trapped in man-eating plant with Manny] I feel... tingly.
Manny: Don't say that when you're next to me!
Diego: Not that kind of tingly!